Private limited liability company (hereinafter – “UAB”) “Alauša” has started its activities in the very first year after the restoration of Lithuanian independence (1990) and is successfully active for 34 years as of now. During this period of time it has travelled a long and complicated way of search and discovery and has been especially successful in organizing and developing its business. During the entirety of the above-mentioned period, UAB “Alauša” has achieved great working results.

The search for the historical roots of the company clearly reveals that circumstances, which were rather favorable for the organization of  UAB “Alauša” have appeared much earlier than the company got officially established and registered. It happened a couple of years prior to that. This statement is convincingly confirmed by the fact that the starting capital for the creation of future business was accumulated already in 1986 in the former Elmininkai farm testing station (Anyksciai district), and took place up to the end of 1988, according to the founders of the company.

At that time, the young and talented manager Algimantas Čaplinskas (who is now the head of UAB “Alauša”) was growing cabbages at his former father’s farm and leased land and selling them in Lithuania and abroad. The amount of vegetables even required a special warehouse to be built on the location. Sadly, a large part of the cabbages was regularly damaged and lost its marketing appearance during winter times.

The problem of preserving the crop farmed at the farm until the late springtime was solved in a few years. Now, after absorbing and using the crop preservation technology, described in German literature of that time, the cabbages were buried in sand every autumn and were dug out in great condition and thoroughly preserved in spring to be shipped to Archangelsk, Murmansk, Syktyvkar, Petrozavodsk and Severomorsk to be sold there. The trips were complicated but they “brought the capital”.

A lot of such trips left a great impression and brought unforgettable experience, which Algimantas recalls even up to this day:

– It happened during the last year when we had to transport the cabbages to such distant places, which did not even had roads at that time, – says Algimantas. – First they were carried to Syktyvkar, where the crop would be reloaded to railway wagons to be carried to the Usin city, which is located at the land of eternal frost. These trips required a lot of strength and endurance: we had to resist the cold northern climate conditions and overcome two-storey house deep snowdrifts, even though it was May… However, the hardships did not stop us, since we had a clear aim set for ourselves at the moment – to transport our grown crops as far away from Lithuania as possible – to places, which did not have any vegetables at that time of the year…

– A complicated case occurred once in the north, in the Archangelsk area. We were transporting the vegetables to the nearby city of Severodvinsk, which was called a “closed off military city” at the moment. And it happened so that no outside people would be let in to that city … We had a great lot of  hardships there, but we still managed to achieve our goals and entered the city … Finally we sold our brought vegetables.

Thus, after earning and collecting the first capital and Lithuania announcing its independence and self-sufficiency, came time to think more seriously about a larger business of his own.


UAB “Alauša” has been established and registered in Utena on the 28th of December 1990. Its general director was Algimantas Čaplinskas at the moment, who was often described as having a knack for “management and business” since being a child. He had an engineer’s education and quite a lot of practical production experience (as it was mentioned, he has already organized vegetable trade, had a lot of work and got to knew the “Praktika” business education company association, Utena production company factory, etc.). Algimantas Čaplinskas succeeded in this position until now.

At the beginning of its activities UAB “Alauša”, firstly, approximately until the year 1994, has intensively searched for its spot in the business landscape. Firstly, it produced and traded ice-cream. After that, the company has expanded its activities and began producing and selling confectionery in Vilnius and other cities of Lithuania. Finally, a totally new business direction has been chosen and an comprehensive concept was prepared for it. According to this concept, in 1994, in Bajorai village, Svedasai (Anyksciu district) a fuel station and oil product terminal have been opened. From that time on the dominating area of UAB “Alauša” business has been the retail and wholesale trade in oil products.

Apart from that, during the expansion of the business in 2012, the company has organized and started the operation of Algimantas Čaplinskas established UAB family clinic “HIPERIKA” and the secondary level clinic “Hiperika Sanum”. The most important part of its activities is the organization of healthcare service improvement in the region.


Alauša, UAB, has been involved in a wide range of organisational tasks since it started retailing and wholesaling petroleum products. However, the focus has been on the construction of service stations and the further development and expansion of their network structure. After building its first petrol station and petroleum products terminal in the village of Bajorai, Svėdasai municipality (Anykščiai district) in 1994, the company immediately started to build its nationwide network of petrol stations. In 1995–2012, it installed 8 petrol stations in various locations across Lithuania, and in 2013–2017 – 9 more. At the beginning of 2018, two petrol stations were acquired in Vilnius. In 2019–2024 eight more petrol stations were opened – in Kalvarija municipality, Ignalina, three in Vilnius and one each in Marijampolė, Utena and Alytus municipality. The company’s network of branches in Lithuania now totals 26 petrol stations. The network continues to expand.

Alauša, UAB, also focuses on the technical equipment and modernisation of petrol stations, service development and customer service culture. Convenient self-service convenience stores are now available at each petrol station. In November, 2007, a warehouse for excise goods was set up in Bajorai village (Svėdasai eldership, Anykščiai district). On request, the fuel is delivered by petrol tanker to the specified location. Our customers include petrol stations, transport companies, construction organisations, agricultural companies, farmers, government agencies and other businesses. Alauša, UAB, retails and wholesales only the highest quality petroleum products that meet all EU requirements. Since 2016, self-service payment terminals have started to operate at petrol stations for customer convenience. Petrol stations in Vilnius Kalvarijų petrol station, Ukmergė and Utena have automatic car washes, which are among the most modern car washes in Lithuania, using brushes made from a special Sensofil+ material designed for safe car washing. At the end of 2022 a newly opened petrol station in Utena have two self-service car washes for the convenience of customers.

Today, Alauša, UAB, employs over 160 people who are always ready to help customers. The overriding principle of all the company’s employees is that “Every customer is important to us, whether they are natural or legal persons, and we listen to and meet their wishes and expectations to the best of our ability”.


Fuel station network and service development in Lithuania, technical equipment and modernization, high culture of client service are the most important priorities, aims and tasks of UAB “Alauša” for the future.  The company has prepared a long-term activity development vision, conception and strategy. It focuses heavily on the construction of new fuel stations and network expansion. All of this will allow to increase the number of company’s divisions, as well as the volume and quality of their work.

Together, we will resolve the modernization and technical supply problems of the UAB “Alauša” fuel station system.

In order to achieve the high client service quality and work culture, a lot of attention will be focused on the modernization and tech supply of the fuel stations. 

The above-mentioned construction, renovation and modernization works in the UAB “Alauša” system will last a whole year. In order to preserve their consistency and prevent interruptions, the company has already formed a special construction worker’s group, to complete all of the works.


UAB “Alauša” general director Algimantas Čaplinskas has established a UAB family clinic “HIPERIKA” and a secondary level clinic “Hiperika Sanum” in Utena in 2012. The most important aim of the founder was not the development of business or the wish to receive as much profit as possible, but a sincere striving and ambition to substantially improve the quality of health care in the city of Utena and its county, providing a possibility for the local residents to get various specialization, high qualification doctors in an easier manner. Therefore, in this case the aim was not the commercial but the public benefit. After the establishment of a professional team of doctors, coming from large and well-established republican hospitals, the clinic introduced an exemplary, high-level health care and treatment system for the residents of the region. Initially, the establishment of clinics was one of the difficult projects undertaken by the company due to some gams in the system and insecurities. However, all of that was compensated later by the gratitude of residents and the confidence they expressed in the clinics and doctors. It was also influenced by the widespread dissemination of good reviews by the visitors and a constantly increasing number of people who entrusted their health to the highest-qualification doctors of our clinics. Now the clinics have earned the trust of the people and are well visited.


From the very establishment UAB “Alauša” actively participated in public activities in the Utena region and the whole republic. UAB “Alauša” is also the founder and member of the UAB “Lietuvisku degaliniu tinklas” (Lithuanian fuel station network, Its Head – Algimantas Čaplinskas is the member of the board of the Association of Lithuanian businessmen trading in oil products from 2001, and was the Chairman of the above-mentioned association in 2008-2009.

One of the main priorities of UAB “Alauša” public activities for a long time is the support of education, culture and sports. The Company has supported many schools, colleges, gymnasiums, various municipality, regional communities, public organizations, music festivals and sports clubs. A great deal of attention is paid to helping the disadvantaged people, especially people with disabilities.

UAB “Alauša” is the sponsor of many social institutions, including: the Utena police association, which organizes cultural, sports and other events; Utena district municipal administration, which develops and popularizes basketball in the municipality of Utena district; Utena culture center, which annually organizes the traditional day of the city celebration (the city’s birthday). UAB “Alauša” also supports events and visits to international festivals of the ensembles belonging to the Utena culture center; Lithuanian armed forces reserve warrior’s association, which has the goal of unite reserve troops, who would disseminate information in the public regarding the processes active in the militaries of Lithuania and other NATO countries, and would be a bridge between the public and the army.  This association organizes and actively participates in various national and international events, which promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for the protectors of freedom and peace. UAB “Alauša” supported the Svedasai saint Archangel Michael parish churchwhich had repair worksPublic institution Utena Jesus Christ’s Ascension into Heaven Parish homewhich were established at the year 2005 due to the ambition of the dean of this Parish – Saulius Kalvaitis, to provide social services to the homeless of the Utena region, former prisoners and other poor people, Algimantas Čaplinskas wholeheartedly supported the deans ambition and actively created a group of businessmen, organized the works and continues to fully support them. The company also supported Utena Jesus Christ’s Ascention into Heaven Parish Church, which had repair works; Obeliai saint Ona parish church, which organizes catholic children and youth camps “Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life”; Svedasai library literature club “Sietuva”, which organizes Svedasai local dialect evenings, conferences, organizes book discussions and exhibits; Anyksciai district Svedasai Juozas Tumas-Vaizgantas gymnasium, which executes projects and organizes the meetings of former students; Utena district disabled people’s society, which implements the integration of disabled people to the public and their employment programs, organizes various events and celebrations; SOS Children’s village charity and support society in Lithuaniawhich takes care of 300 families and the lives and future of 802 children in all of Lithuania.

When war started in Ukraine, Alauša evacuated people from Ukraine to Lithuania free of charge. Many of them were brought to Utena and some were accommodated in buildings belonging to Alauša. On the initiative of the company’s CEO Algimantas Čaplinskas 1,023 people, including 405 children, were evacuated from Ukraine.


During the whole history of its activity, (1990-2017) UAB “Alauša” has achieved especially good working results. It has widely developed in Lithuania and has elevated the retail and wholesale trade of oil products to modern technical level, created and expanded a network of modern fuel stations, which correspond to the EU standards, has professionally educated and employed in its system more than 150 people in the cities and the province of Lithuania. During all of this time the company has worked profitably and has achieved especially good economic and technologic performance indicators.

UAB “Alauša” managers, administration and employees always rely on a belief that effective management and efficient operation is largely determined by the stability and reliability of the company, the improvement of working conditions and long-term – experienced and competent employees of the company, since they always believe in what they do. Therefore, the company’s working results have always been and are good.

UAB “Alauša” management and employee achievements have been highly appreciated by public and government institutions of the Republic of Lithuania. In the year 2011, the State tax inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania has entered UAB “Alauša” in the large scale tax payer’s list of the country. In the year 2004, the Lithuanian business employer’s vonderedration has recognized the head of the company Algimantas Čaplinskas as the BEST SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE in the medium sized company group for the effective work of the company. The best representative award was granted to him by the Prime-minister of the Republic of Lithuania – Algirdas Brazauskas and the Lithuanian business employer’s confederation general director Danas Arlauskas.

Later, the company has received a lot of other awards and prizes. In 2006, State enterprise Utena business information center, Panevezys Chamber of commerce, industry and crafts have recognized UAB “Alauša” as the most advanced Utena district company in the medium and large company group,, as well as the WINNER OF THE UTENA BUSINESS NOMINATION 2006 NOMINATION. The diploma was awarded by the district’s mayor Alvyudas Katinas and State enterprise Utena business information center, as well as Panevezys Chamber of commerce, industry and crafts. In 2007, the Lithuanian military reserve warrior’s association has awarded Algimantas Čaplinskas with the Three Swords Cross for his special merits in creating and strengthening of the Lithuanian military reserve. In 2009, the Utena police association has awarded him with a gratitude diploma for full support in implementing the aims of the Utena police association and the International police association Lithuanian branch – has awarded UAB “Alauša” for sincere help. In 2011, the Mayor of the Utena district municipality has awarded Algimantas Čaplinskas with the Utena district municipality symbol (memorial sign) “Utena – 750 years old”, and the Charity and Support fund “Mes galim” (We can) has awarded a gratitude diploma to Algimantas Čaplinskas for his support for the “Auksine Sirdis” (Golden heart) project in the same year. In 2012, Algimantas Čaplinskas was awarded with the Honorary citizen of the Tauragnu region title for his selfless, altruistic help. In 2014, UAB “Alauša” has been awarded by the Utena police association nomination “Canister of the decade” for its selfless and all-around support in achieving the Utena police association strives and plans. In 2016, the Utena district municipality administration has awarded Algimantas Čaplinskas with the Tauragnai eldership gratitude diploma for his sincere and benevolent support. UAB “Alauša” received the Utena county head police commissariat award “Safest company of the year” at the “Utena business nomination 2016” event.

At the end of 2020, Alauša was involved into a competition for Lithuanian company names, where it won the first place. The idea of the State Language Inspectorate is to publicly praise the managers of companies who have maintained Lithuanian names throughout the years of Lithuania’s independence and to show that the name of a company has not been, and is not, a barrier to business.

Scientist, librarian, bibliographer, culture preservationist,
teacher and public activist – Vytautas RIMŠA.